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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Nice summary of Obama's substanceless appeal

James Taranto in his Best of the Web column today puts into words very well something I've been thinking for some time but haven't been able to express nearly so well:
Such empty oppositionalism has been the dominant theme of Democratic politics at least since the emergence of Howard Dean in 2003. But there is a weird genius about the way Obama, with his soothing style and inspiring persona, is able to present it as if it were something of real substance.
This is the real issue with Obama - there's no substance there and yet he's able somehow to convince his supporters that there is. Will the media ever call him on this? Or will the scales fall from the electorate's eyes at some point anyway? I find it hard to believe that he can really keep this up for another nine months, but with the media's help it's perhaps just possible.

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